Belvedere Parkvets 020 8311 5250
Chislehurst Parkvets 020 8295 1100
Eltham Parkvets 020 8859 7914
Hayes Parkvets 020 8619 0499
Longfield Parkvets 01474 703377
Petts Wood Parkvets 01689 867810
Parkvets Hospital 020 8300 8111
Swanley Parkvets 01322 665916
Park Vets's home page
Belvedere Parkvets 020 8311 5250
Chislehurst Parkvets 020 8295 1100
Eltham Parkvets 020 8859 7914
Hayes Parkvets 020 8619 0499
Longfield Parkvets 01474 703377
Petts Wood Parkvets 01689 867810
Parkvets Hospital 020 8300 8111
Swanley Parkvets 01322 665916

Nurse Clinics

Park Vets offers services run by nurses for dogs, cats and small furries.

Nurse Clinics

Park Vets offers services run by nurses for dogs, cats and small furries.

  • Anal Gland Expression
  • Dental Healthcare
  • Diabetes Consultations
  • Ear Cleaning
  • Help administer medication
  • K-laser
  • Microchipping
  • Nail clipping
  • Nutritional advice
  • Post op Checks
  • Pre-ownership
  • Tick Removal
  • Weight Checks
  • Worm/Flea Treatment
  • 2nd Vaccinations
  • Blood pressure

Anal Gland Expression

Sometimes it might be necessary to express a dog's anal glands, as they can become impacted. At Parkvets, the nursing team are able to help do this during a nurse appointment. This is usually pain free, making your pet feel a lot more comfortable.  If it is the first time your dog has had an anal gland issue, they will need to be assessed by a vet, following on from this it can be a nurse if they need regular expressing.

Dental Healthcare

We feel it is very important to keep on top of caring for your animals' teeth as it is estimated that 70-80% of adult animals will be suffering from some sort of dental disease. Registered Veterinary Nurse Jennie Caie has a certificate in Dentistry and is here to offer help and advice on how to slowly introduce a dental home care routine that is best suited to your pet.  

Diabetes Consultations

Having a newly, diagnosed diabetic pet can be over whelming. Our veterinary nurses are here to offer support and to help educate clients on what having a diabetic pet means to them and to help answer any questions or worries a client may have. They will go through step by step on what it is and how to start administering insulin. We make sure you are comfortable with it all and are on hand anytime you need help.  Our aim is to ensure you understand the disease process and are comfortable with the injection process. We are on hand anytime you need help as your diabetic journey continues.

Ear Cleaning

Some animals can suffer with dirty, waxy ears from time to time and are needing them to be cleaned. We are here to help with positioning your pet and administering the ear cleaner when it becomes a struggle at home.  We can also show you how to effectively do this from home, if your pet tolerates

Help administer medication

If for any reason you struggle to administer medication to your pet, our nurses are on hand to help you and your animal.  If your pet is on long term weekly or monthly injections, our nurses are on hand to administer them for you. With certain drugs, we can even show you our best techniques so that you can continue administering at home. 


This is a highly effective approach for pain management in animals suffering with acute and chronic wound and musculoskeletal conditions. It can all be done during a nurse consult and is a non- invasive treatment for your pet.

This is only a sample of what our nurses can offer you and your pets - we can see you for blood tests, stitch removals, bandage changes to name a few. 


It is a legal requirement to have all dogs in the UK microchipped. This involves having a chip containing a 15-digit number inserted into the scruff of the neck. It will then be registered onto a data base linked to your pet. It is also a good idea getting your cat microchipped, giving you piece of mind that if your animal is ever lost- we will be able to find and reunite you quickly. This is simple to do and can be done during a nurse consult.  

Microchipping will also become a legal requirement for cats in the UK in the next few years, so it is best to get it done ASAP.

Nail clipping

It's important to check your pets' nails on a regular basis, as some animals are unable to wear them down naturally. Our nurses are here to help to clip them before they become too long and can start to cause any discomfort to your pet. It is especially important to keep an eye on your elderly pet’s nails as they can grow quite thick which makes it harder for them to wear them down.

Nutritional advice

When it comes to choosing a brand or type of food for your pet, there are so many options available that you may well feel overwhelmed at the choice! Our nurses will be happy to talk to you about the best options for your pet, based on their size, breed and typical lifestyle. 

Post op Checks

Post op appointments following a neuter are generally made with our nursing team. They are here to make sure your pet makes a full recovery post operatively, monitoring their wound, checking their vitals and be on hand to answer any concerns or questions you might have.  


Our nurses are on hand to offer advice on all the elements of pet ownership, which will allow you to make a more informed decision when you finally acquire your new companion. Topics that are likely to be discussed include what to look for in a reputable breeder, whether your home is suitable for a particular species or breed of pet, caring for your pet during their early years, diet and exercise requirements. Of course, any specific questions you have about your potential pet will be answered for you.

If you have an exotic pet we have a specialist exotics nurse who may be able to help you with husbandry and environment set ups (this will need to be booked in advance to ensure we can assist you).

Tick Removal

If you find a tick on your pet and are unsure about how to remove it, book an appointment with one of our Registered Veterinary Nurses, where they will be able to remove the tick using a tick removal tool and also check for any others that may be hiding. Removing the tick properly, with our special tool, ensures that the head is removed and not left behind, which can cause a bacterial infection like Lyme disease. 

Weight Checks

Having an overweight animal can shorten their life expectancy by half, as well as being a pre-curser for disease such as diabetes and joint disorders. At Parkvets, we have created a Weight-loss package that will be specifically designed for your pet, helping them to lose the weight that is needed to live a longer, healthier life.

Worm/Flea Treatment

We offer monthly nurse consults for all growing puppy and kittens in order to dispense the correct flea and worm treatment, helping to protect them against the parasites found in and around the environment.  Puppies and kittens put on weight rapidly during their first year, so it is important to ensure they are getting the correct dose.

2nd Vaccinations

Our nursing team can administer the 2nd vaccines to your pet if you have already been seen by the vet for the 1st. We are on hand to answer any questions you might have. 

Blood pressure

Geriatric animals can suffer from high blood pressure, this is known as Hypertension. It can cause injury to the tissues and organs within the body. This makes it important to be monitored on a regular basis.

Measuring the blood pressure is usually well tolerated and pain- free for them and can be done by a nurse during a consult.